5A- Identifying Local Opportunities

1)   Archeologists on Water Street Project Unearth the Old So Vinik Group Can Raise Up the New

This article is about the findings of potential human remains and premodern era supplies. The Water Street Project is a 2 billion project proposed by Vinik, the owner of the lightening, and Bill Gates. The job is to construct over 10 modern skyscrapers in Downtown Tampa and rejuvenate the city. Tampa is of course a city that was well alive in the past so the findings of the inhabitants of Fort Brooke, a premodern fort in the port of tampa, were bound to happen.

The problem  presented in the story is what to do with the remains of the bodies found. Do you leave them in their forever resting spot or remove them and relocate them to better places.

The problem lies with the City of Tampa, the architects of the project, and the main financial contributors, Vinik and Gates.

2)   Looking for a better park? You're better off in St. Pete than Tampa, study shows...


The article basically describes how Saint Pete has more noncommercial or residential land than Tampa is. This means that they have more land to be used as public parks then neighboring Tampa does.

The problem presented in the story is that Tampa is supposed to superior to Saint Pete as the best city in Tampa Bay and Saint Pete takes the edge in public parks.

The problem  lies with the City of Tampa zoning committee and the city of Tampa resource allocation department.

3)   Hit or Miss Hauls End Another Unpredictable Stone Crab Season


There is times where commercial crab fisherman would go out and set their traps and would only have a couple crabs in all of their traps combined and there is times where the traps would be full. Due to the constant need for crab, the prices could never even out so crab was either really expensive or cheap depending on the catch. Unsteady prices means less buying.

The problem of the story is that crab wants have went down because of the uneven pricing this calendar year.

The problem lies with eh crab fisherman and distributors. If they cannot set a constant price, then the demand will go down.

4)   Forecast: Extreme Heat Continues With Near Record Highs in Tampa Bay


It is hot as balls in Tampa and the heat is coming way before it should. It is supposed to hit 97 this week with would be a record for the first week in June.

The problem faced with this is that every year a new record keeps being broken for hotter and hotter earlier and earlier. I am not a global warming stressor but you have to at least realize that it is a thing.

The problem is faced by everyone in Tampa Bay. Have fun sweating when you walk out of the front door for the next 4 months.

5)   Sea turtle Nesting Season Has Arrived. Now Get Out of the Turtle's Way.


Throughout Saint Pete Beach, sea turtles are starting to come ashore and nest. It is illegal to interact with the turtle eggs and everyone should be warned. There is now going to be sea turtle no trespassing zones at most beaches.

The problem with the story is that sea turtles are on the endangered species list and when people mess  with eh eggs on the beach, they can damage the eggs meaning less ea turtle reproduction.

The problem is faced by the everyone who goes to the beach, now you have to stay off certain parts of the beach. Also, by the conservation people who have to spend their time marking which spots on the beach cannot be breached.


  1. Hi Jack, I am originally from Tampa so I read your article about parks being superior in St. Pete verse Tampa and how it has to do with zoning issues. I agree that the zoning issue is the problem for Tampa. The Tampa Bay Rays have a stadium in St. Pete verse Tampa because of the zoning issue. But that does not mean St. Pete is better. The Rays have the lowest attendance of any MLB team. The reason being for this is because most people do not want to go to St. Pete because there is only 3 ways into it by bridges and these bridges are usually full of traffic thus making people not want to go. Hopefully the zoning problem gets fixed in Tampa.


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