11A Idea Napkin #1

My name is Jack Raulerson and I am a business major at UF. I have a detailed experience in sales (real estate sales) and am very talented at marketing and organizing a customer database. Most of my work consists of organizing new potential clientele into certain marketing schemes and trying to find how to best reach them once they seek my services out. My aspirations are to grow a successful business that one day works for me instead of working for it. I want to run a business, not work in a business, there is a big difference. My business idea for a 3D printed permeable cast is just a invention I thought of. I aim to work at it hard enough with it that I will turn it into an everyday medical device. I aim to get a patent under the idea so I do not have competition just do the same thing as me and steal my idea. I do not aim to run this business for the rest of my life so I plan to sell the idea to another individual who its trying to run the business aspect. With that money I plan on continuing my passion in selling real estate and eventually transition with the money from the buyout into new residential construction.

My idea will solve the current customers need of a better cast for simple fractures. Instead of having bulky fiberglass cast that is uncomfortable and cannot be washed, my cast will let you wash it in the shower normally and will have slots for itching and applying skin protection or medical ointment in the case of a skin infection. I will solve the smell a cast can acquire and will be more comfortable and stylish.

My customers will be individuals with simple fractures of arm bones (forearm, wrist, elbow, upper arm) who are approved for use by their consulting doctors. I will start by showing my invention to the doctors at Shands hospital in Gainesville and their customers will be the people in the surrounding area of Gainesville. Age limits on my product will be from small children to middle aged individuals as older individuals tend to need bulkier casts to make sure that they do not bump it on anything and re-hurt themselves. My invention will be able to be used by anyone. All races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, martial statuses. Since my product will probably be more expensive that traditional casts, I expect insurances to step in on the bill but there might be a slight fee difference depending on the insurance so it may not qualify for the people without insurance or the people unable to pay the copay associated.

My invention will be for individuals who do not like the standard casts. Mine will be more comfortable, stylish, lighter, and will be able to be washed and cleaned. That means no more smell and less of the opportunity for a rash or any skin infection to happen under the cast without the individual knowing about it like the standard cast can make happen. Also, no fiberglass, so no more possible cuts and skin irritation from it rubbing on your skin.

My invention steps me away from everyone else as I aim to get a patent on the idea so no competition  can take my idea over. Also, no one will be able to 3D print any cast, not just ones for arm injuries without my consent. My cast will be innovative and will take over the market for simple fractures and they way they are dealt with.

My concept fits the together mostly as I'm sure that most individuals will prefer my cast type over the traditional cast and mine has many different aspects that are better. A part that I am not certain about fully is the extent that my cast will actually be used and implemented by trained professionals. Some doctors might not like my idea and use the traditional cast structure and that is my chief concern.


  1. Hi Jack I enjoyed learning more about you and how your skills talents and experience will help you with your opportunity. I am just now starting to get in the real estate business, I am right now working on studying so I can take the realtor license test. Hopefully I will get it and you never know one day I can refer someone to you. I really like your opportunity. I personally have never broken a bone but my sister did when we were growing up and I remember having this huge purple cast. I hope that your opportunity takes off and people do not have to deal with old cast styles anymore.


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