14A- Halfway Reflection

You will have to be able to push past the negative comments some people leave and have to get over your fears. I do not like speaking and even in the elevator pitch, I pushed past it and completed it. Also, when you find an idea you think could work, you have to change it up minority to what you first thought it would be. You'll have to be able to tweak your idea no matter whether you think it needs it or not. I have learned in this class to implement people's ideas about my idea and pick the ones I agree with and try to mutate my idea to better fit their ideas as well.

After one of the assignments about the different consumers, I only really came up with two or there different customers and that for most products is not enough. My device being for medical needs though don't have that many different customers. I thought for a second about switching my idea to something else but then realized the people that could be helped with my product. Just getting out of a cast personally gave me a better realization. Also, down the road this invention could be worth a lot of money and if I was to sell my patented idea to an investor or medical institution, I could make a lot of money. I definitely have developed a tenacious attitude about my product by this point.

3 things I would say to a student going next semester is to start out with an idea you truly believe in. Then feel confident about your idea no matter what everyone else says. Do that but also don't be so stubborn that you won't tweak minor details others say because it might just make it better.


  1. You're elevator pitch was very well done, I had no idea that it was a dislike for you! It's pretty impressive that not only were you able to do it but do it so well. I definitely agree with taking into account the feedback - it can be pretty helpful to refine and better your ideas as the course moves along. Your product definitely seems worth pursuing. Not only for monetary reasons, developing it could lead to important medical growth.


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