15A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior #2

The three individuals I talked to at the doctor's office were all shown a model of my invention. They all agreed that it looked cool and had it's pluses but the big question was whether the doctor would recommend this device onto a client. In my case, their would be two or three alternatives. There would be my cast, the traditional fiberglass cast, and then a non-permanent cast from Walmart or CVS or something. The interviewees all came to the same conclusion, the first thing that they would do is consult a doctor and nearly always go with the recommendation of him. If it was not serious enough, then they would just go with option 3, but if casting was needed they would go with the traditional cast. When asked if they would go with my cast as an alternative from the current cast structure they all claimed that they would highly consider it. Then the price aspect came up, my cast would probably cost more than the fiberglass cast and that deterred one of the interviewees to just sticking with the normal cast. None really cared about the style of the cast because they just stressed the importance of it and fashion wasn't the top desired quality. I interviewed three guys, this might be differently if I interviewed a lady. They might be more interested in the increased fashion of my device.

My device would mostly be bought through insurance or from the medical center directly. In the case of dressing my cast instead of the Walmart or CVS little wrap or brace, my device could also be sold online as a more effective alternative to this. My device would be able to be financed through insurance but could also be paid for individually if insurance is not available. It would be pretty expensive so the individuals buying my product would most likely be pretty wealthy. involved in most of the transactions would be some sort of insurance though.

When asked, all three interviewees basically came to the same idea that the "rightness" of the product will be to hep your injury heal as fast as possible with as few faults as possible. The traditional cast is very good at keeping the injury safe but has the ability to affect your skin negatively. If this happened to the individuals, like in my circumstance, then they might have felt differently.

Basically, through my three interviews, my idea could be implemented but it would need to be either implemented by the doctor as a sufficient medical device or be sold independently to individuals not in the need of a real cast but need something to protect the injury. Also, that it sounds expensive, which it would be. For that, I would need to file my idea with the insurance companies and have it helped financially by them. Also, fashion for males doesn't matter as much and is not a highly needed quality. Essentially, a cast is a cast to these individuals and as they do like my idea, they did not see the need unless the doctor was to agree.

There are a couple different alternatives that could be sought out but the main aspect would be to protect the injury. Purchase decision would be mostly decided whether the cast helped the individual become healthy again and heal the injury. Post purchase evaluation reflects most of the time that the current device is good enough even though mine might be better once passed by the medical professionals. This would be very hard though as they are all pretty stuck in their ways.


  1. Hello John,

    I think it is a great idea that you are planning on sharing your idea with insurance companies, because it would be very expensive for the customers to pay out of pocket. If it can be covered by insurance, then the customers would be more willing to purchase it. Also, it is great that you found customers willing to use your product. With the doctor’s approval, many more would be willing to use your cast.


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