8A- Solving the Problem

My problem was right now I have to wear a cast because I broke my forearm. I stay a pretty active guy and the cast has began to smell really bad because I cannot wash it. Also, this is a replacement cast because whenI had the initial cast on, I had a skin infection under the cast because there was fiberglass rubbing against my bare skin and I could not treat it in any way.

My solution to the problem would be for simple fractures like mine, there should be a permeable cast that can be washed and have slots available for me to put itching cream in if it gets itchy. Also, no cloth under so it can be washed without having to dry out. Imagine a typical arm cast, mine would do the same thing limiting and keeping the effected bone still so it could heal, but would have the benefits I just claimed. The cast could be 3D printed to exactly fit the individual's arm and then would have a couple fasteners to keep it locked together.


  1. Hey Jack,
    I think you have a great idea in mind. By making a cast customizable to a persons arm would not only be an advantage to potentially having a faster healing process but would also be a medical and technological advancement. I have never broken my arm but know the process is smelly, lengthy and frustrating because of the discomfort.


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