20A- Growing Your Social Capital

Person 1- My Doctor, Dr. Stein at Palma Ceia Family Practice

Dr. Stein is a family practice doctor who recommends deals with fractures and breaks of bones and them refers them to Florida Orthopedic for casting. I am filling the domain expert with him as this is what he deals with daily. I found and contacted him as I recently needed his advice on a cast on my arm and I contacted him as I went in yesterday for my 1 month after exam for healing. the favor he did for me is recommended me to get my cast put on so I could heal. Also, I talked to him about the idea of a new cast structure and he said maybe as it would have to work was proficiently as the current but there is a possibility. His return expectation for me would be to continue healing properly and not hurt myself as well as kip trying to work my entrepreneurship skills and further my ideas. I will always have a way to see if my device is sufficient according to a doctor who deals a lot with it.

Person 2- My coworker, Michael Finn with the Raulerson Team, outside sales manager

Michael is a real estate outside sales agent with over 20 years of experience in sales including a couple years in medical device sales. He is filling the market expert as he has done plenty of medical sales in his history and continues to work in the sales division. I contacted Michael by stopping him at the office and giving him a short interview about his past. Regarding my idea, he favored that I keep pushing if I really wanted to see it done and not be afraid of harsh criticism and just innovate as it comes. He also said the potential money from a device like mine if caught on would be giant. Buy return expectation is to keep helping me with my idea throughout the process. Having Michael is my arsenal will always give me the backup I need as he has previous experience and he will always remotely be on my side and will keep my positive about the possibility of actually bringing my idea to market.

Person 3- Michael's old boss at his medical device sales company, Thomas Brown

Thomas is the CFO of a big device sales company in the southeast region of the United States. he is filling the supplier side as he works in the supply of medical devices to hospitals and clinics throughout the southeast US. He was found as I asked Michael if he still knew anyone from his old company and he gave me this number and I scheduled to give him a call this morning. We talked and the nature of our exchange was that he believed that my idea was too futuristic and that although one day it might work, that in today's practice, the traditional cast is sufficient. He said to keep working on the idea and call him again when I have a finalized product as it at least sparked his curiosity and would like to see it. My return expectation is that when I do make a model of this, that he will answer my call and fulfill what he said he would in at least a Skype call or interview. He is priceless in my network as he is one of the prime people who could get me a interview with the chairmen of the company and maybe I could present my idea to them at that time.


This experience made me realize that only some people can actually help me in the process of making my idea a real thing. Not everyone's help is needed as most people cannot assist me in the making of my idea. In future networking, I will only seek out individuals who I know can help me make e my process become reality. This experience was different from past because I do not normally just stick to certain people, I tend to talk to everyone.


  1. Hi jack glad to see that your interviews went well. I like that each interview you had a fair amount of detail for each one. Also that the interviews focused around different aspects of the product that you plan to purchase. I hope that these interviews were helpful to you and that they assist you later on with your product. I like that you realized that its not just you that has to do everything to make the product but that people are willing to help make your product come to life.


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