22A- Elevator Pitch 3


The feedback I received on the second pitch was that I need to focus more on the ways that the cast will be utilized by doctors and how they will transition away from the traditional arm cast. No feedback was bad or silly as they all basically said the same thing as they needed to see more about future implementation and how it might happen. They all said that they thought the intro was good and that was the main part that I should work on.

I changed the lighting of my video, made it more eye level, and focused more on how it would be implemented instead of what it really is and hoe it would be made. In the previous video I spent like a minute talking about the process of making the cast and little time on the rest and this one I kind of flipped that. The more important part is how it is going to be implemented so I spent the most time taking about that.


  1. Hey Jack glad to watch your third and final elevator pitch. You have definitely made some progress. I like how you changed up the lighting and continue to make progress with your pitch. I definitely like how you went into more detail with how it will be implemented verse how it will be made. I like though that you explained in each video a little different because now I feel like I really know your product.


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