30A- Final Reflection
My most formative experience this semester had to be actually taking time out of my day and going to interview people about my product for one of the customer focused exercises. My idea is kind of far out there and some the replies I would get back were priceless. The experience I will remember years later was that I spent a whole semester talking about my 3D printed arm cast and trying to actually see if there was a market or it. Thinking back on it, I should have went with a different topic from my bug list but it was fun. My most joyous moment by far was asking an older individual about my product while I was at the doctor's office and he said that "I had one of the weirdest ideas he had ever heard and that I was a true millennial." My experience I am most proud of was that I actually stuck with y idea and did not switch it mid term to something better and it was sometimes hard to come up with he answers but it made me have to think more creatively.
I see myself as more of an entrepreneur than I did before this class by far. I can think in much more depth about an idea and how I could actually make it happen then just dreaming about it. I plan to use what I have learned from this class and utilize it in my real estate business.
One recommendation I would say to a student taking this class is to think your topic is actually interesting and want to talk about it for the next couple months instead of just coming up with one and running with it. To preform best in this course, do all of the work and with all of the videos and you'll make an A. To foster the entrepreneurial mindset, actually believe in your product and make sense of what each exercise is trying to do.

That's all folks
ReplyDeleteHello John,
The advice you gave for any future student that may come across your entrepreneurial blog is useful. I agree with you when you said that it is better to pick a topic that you are passionate about than something you thought of quickly. By choosing something you are interested in, you will fill more encouraged to work hard on the assignments and have some fun throughout the class. Also, all the work wouldn't be a waste, because you may actually further write the business plan and launch the business. Congratulations for completing this course!
I'm right there with you jack happy to be finished. I have been commenting on your blogs from the very beginning of this semester. I always looked forward to your blogs. I really enjoyed learning more about your opportunity. I hope one day that you are able to make that cast and then invest in real estate! Good luck with future classes that you may be taking at UF!