
Showing posts from July, 2019

28A- My Exit Strategy

My exit strategy is to sell my product to the distribution specialist after they realize how big of a market it could be and how it could be implemented after like 3 to 5 years of running it myself. Hopefully it would be by then that I would be able to sell it for over a million  dollars and with that money I would use to start up my real estate development business. I selected this exit strategy because I do not really want to make this my entire life. The typical entrepreneur makes their products their entire life and makes it their prime focus of their life. I want my life and my business to be about how to create a business with my family and successfully run it. I have spent the last three years of my life and am going to spend the next 2 years trying to learn all about business and all about the best practices. I want to utilize all of this information for the best and make my own company with what I have learned. This exit strategy has influenced my concept mostly because...

27A- Reading Reflection 3

Mindset- The New Psychology of Success, How we can learn to fulfill our potential - Carol S. Dweck The general theme of the book is about how you should always keep an open mindset and not be closed off to the surroundings. Keeping an open mindset keeps you outside the box and lets you stay open to new ideas. The book also breaks down the a couple different mindsets, the champion, the leader, the relationship, and the parental. They all have a different mindset and all have the same traps of why they fall into the non-growth mindset. Also, the book discusses more in depth how each mindset has different aspects and how keeping a growth mindset is always the best way. This book has enhanced the ideas of this class that my potential idea for this class of a 3D printed cast structure can always be enhanced and that I need to keep my eyes open on how to make it better instead of just staying locked in on my way. The more I let my product grow, the more it will be able to actually...

26A- Celebrating Failure

Over the past semester, I have failed multiple times giving a listing presentation to individuals selling homes and they went with other agents. On these homes, the sellers wanted five different agents normally to come over and give them a "listing presentation" where we discuss our past credentials and how we will market and sell their home. My listing presentation is all about how I work on a big real estate team and have sold over 20 homes myself as well as the 250 plus that my team has sold. Also, I talk about how my marketing campaigns that I do for my homes which entails posting about them on social media, posting on the MLS, Zillow, and a couple other sites. I also talk about my database and how I already have potential clients looking for a home of that price range in their area. I failed on six different listings out of ten that I went on. What I learned was that no matter if my presentation good or not, some people just want a agent that is older and seems to hav...

25A- What's Next?

Existing Market People Beth Raulerson- She believed the next step was to run a social media campaign for a week and see if I could see any results of people who want to use them. When I told her my next step of making a model and showing the possible way into the field, she said that that might be a little rushed and he would want to see the people interested before seeing the product. Justin Tice- He believed my next step was to try to operate my real estate office as a partial storefront.  When I told him my idea, he said that that might be the best way but getting independent sales would make more money in the short run. Joey Mello- He believed my next step would be to make the model and start showing as many doctors as possible to spark their interests. His response to my idea was that that was brilliant and to do it instead of his idea. My next steps based on my ideas and the ideas of these people is to first make a model of the product for display. Then, with that mo...

24A- Venture Concept 1

My innovation would to create a new 3D printed permeable cast that can be washed. The opportunity arises from the large amounts of individuals in need to a more proficient cast structure that are more sensitive to cleanliness and overall better hygiene.  Therefore, my venture concept is to apply my 3D printed permeable cast for individuals who do not like the dated fiberglass structure that cannot be washed and can accumulate a foul smell over time. My opportunity further broken down would be for the individuals who require better hygiene and cannot do the traditional fiberglass cast. This need can be from small children to old people, male or female, who have a fracture of one of their two forearm bones or wrists. The nature of the need is for people who would like to be able to wash themselves and not have to worry about their cast becoming moldy or increasingly bad smell-wise. Also, the cast could be used for individuals who want a more fashionable cast if they are going to w...

23A- Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

Resources- Smart salesman, Connections with a medical device company, Expertise in sales contracts, Expertise in online marketing, a team who would be down for a potential site venture such as this, ability to operate a 3d printer, a learning environment, a office(potential store-front), potential for larger scale operations, ability to write basic code for 3d printer, representatives in many different markets. VRIN smart salesman- valuable because of the need to know how to deal with larger corporations and hoe sales works, not rare because many salesman have this skill, imitable as many people become salesmen each day, non substitutable to a degree because you can't really substitute sales knowledge with anything else. Connections with a medical sales company- very valuable as they could make it happen, rare as many people do not know such a company, hard to imitate as they would need to know a company as I do, non-substitutable to a degree because they could do the same thi...

22A- Elevator Pitch 3 The feedback I received on the second pitch was that I need to focus more on the ways that the cast will be utilized by doctors and how they will transition away from the traditional arm cast. No feedback was bad or silly as they all basically said the same thing as they needed to see more about future implementation and how it might happen. They all said that they thought the intro was good and that was the main part that I should work on. I changed the lighting of my video, made it more eye level, and focused more on how it would be implemented instead of what it really is and hoe it would be made. In the previous video I spent like a minute talking about the process of making the cast and little time on the rest and this one I kind of flipped that. The more important part is how it is going to be implemented so I spent the most time taking about that.

21A- Reading Reflection 2

The Art of Social Media, Power Tips for Power Users - Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick The general theme of the book is to find the tips and tricks to enhance your business through the use of social media. Every tip is thoroughly tested and examined to see their impact on a business and all work in a positive manner. They range from how to promote your personal profiles to how to respond to people perfectly to how to run socialization events. This book connected and enhances the idea of how to promote yourself in a positive manner throughout all the internet. Being an entrepreneur is all about how you will be a let to promote your idea by yourself and the best practices to do it. My exercise based on this book would be to create a social media page for your idea and see how you can promote it to specific markets. Also, then give it a couple days and see if you can get five random people interested in your idea and possibly have discussions with them to see if they would actually...

20A- Growing Your Social Capital

Person 1- My Doctor, Dr. Stein at Palma Ceia Family Practice Dr. Stein is a family practice doctor who recommends deals with fractures and breaks of bones and them refers them to Florida Orthopedic for casting. I am filling the domain expert with him as this is what he deals with daily. I found and contacted him as I recently needed his advice on a cast on my arm and I contacted him as I went in yesterday for my 1 month after exam for healing. the favor he did for me is recommended me to get my cast put on so I could heal. Also, I talked to him about the idea of a new cast structure and he said maybe as it would have to work was proficiently as the current but there is a possibility. His return expectation for me would be to continue healing properly and not hurt myself as well as kip trying to work my entrepreneurship skills and further my ideas. I will always have a way to see if my device is sufficient according to a doctor who deals a lot with it. Person 2- My coworker, Michae...

17A- Elevator Pitch 2 In response to my feedback, what was important was how I was to present my idea. It would need to be presented to a medical company who is very much set in their ways and doesn't like change. Also, maybe using a model of my cast in the video could help clarify what I meant. Also, do not use my name in the intro. I did not really get any feedback that was useless or silly. Based on the feedback, I cut saying my name and then talked about the financial aspect as well as how it will be implemented by doctors in the future.

19A- Idea Napkin 2

I am a business professional who seeks to work in the real estate industry. I want to own my own home building company and I know that that takes a lot of capital to start it up. My business concept would be a non-permanent thing. I would work hard to get my cast structure authorized by a couple doctors and then watch it spread. I would eventually have my idea bought out by a larger medical apparatus company and then I would use that money to follow my desired path in real estate. This would essentially give me the money I need to start up my business. My product solves the customer's unmet needs of not being able to wash their cast. Some casts start to smell really bad after a while and my cast would solve that as it is permeable and can be washed and dried. for those that can wear it, it will cure the inconvenience of having bad hygiene and smelling bad. My demographic of individuals who can utilize my cast would be from early teens to middle aged men and women. It would ide...

18A- Create A Custom Avatar

My prototypical customer is a teenager who broke his forearm during football practice one day after school. His hobbies include being  part of the football team but also skateboarding when he has time off. He is a freshman in high school so he does not have a car yet and relies on his parents. His favorite TV show is sportscenter and is an avid sports follower. He doesn't have children and is far away from that. He is a smart kid who does pretty well in school but he is mad because the next couple weeks he will have to be in a cast and will not be able to practice with his team as he waits for his injury to heal. He still remains relatively active so he needs a modern cast that can be washed to prevent it from smelling badly. What I have in common with the avatar is that that was me in high school. I was always the injured kid on the sports team and hated it. He is not very happy, as I was, and just wished that he could resist getting injured. Life happens though. I don't...